Let’s face it, people have more interesting things to do than search the web all day. The last thing they want to do is be distracted by things that don’t matter to them.
Throughout the online world, there are ever-changing trends in displaying content that are different depending on each person you speak with. Some people like a lot of color and flare while others may still be stuck in the era of Windows 97 with boxed layouts and ho-hum fonts. The truth is, the internet is as fast as it has ever been and has more information than ever before.
The approach to organizing content is more crucial than ever.
The human mind has millions of variables being thrown at it every second of every day. In order to utilize the surrounding environment to its fullest extent, the brain tends to scan – and it isn’t scanning for fancy colors and pretty flowers either. It is searching for what it wants and at a very fast rate. The more noticeable and aesthetically pleasing the content that it is searching for is, the easier the content is to pick out and the faster the brain will get the information that it wants.
Ok, that sounds fancy and scientific but what does it mean for me?
It means that you need to get your content across in a way that is plain and straight to the point.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need a blank page with a sentence or two on it. All that essentially matters is how well the design of the site flows. The less distractions to disrupt that flow, the better and easier your site will appear to your users. Plain and simple.